When our readers requested a special annual feature highlighting providers who offer quality products and services for private colleges and universities, we were happy to oblige. This “Showcase of Excellence,” which appears each year in our June issue, is filled with case studies and product showcased from our sponsors, who represent top service and product providers exclusive to the higher education market.
These pages exhibit more in-depth information on these quality providers and their products, along with demonstrative case studies that will help administrators in higher education fulfill their mission of providing excellent experiences throughout their facilities. And—just as readers may face the challenge of not having enough time to communicate every single aspect of their higher learning meccas with students and communities—we were similarly limited by available space in this issue and could not include every single one of the companies that we know can help college and university decision-makers. Our hope, however, is that readers will enjoy the information that space allows us to include, and we know this information will help higher ed administrators continue to be successful in providing quality facilities and experiences to the many lives their colleges and universities touch.