Sheila Wagner has spent the last several years working as a professional editor and recently became the staff writer for Private University Products and News. Wagner can be reached at

Tracing the Past and Future of Virtual Reality

According to Merchant et al. in an article for Computers and Education, virtual reality can be traced back to the 1960's. Initially it was...  More

Cybersecurity at Private Universities

For many years, security on private college and university campuses has been a major concern for students, parents, faculty, and staff.  More

Experiential Learning at Delaware Valley University

As young college graduates enter the real world job market, it is very often the experiences outside the classroom that set them apart from...  More

Landscaping: An Integral Part of Campus Design

When high school students and their parents are beginning the search for a university, the first impression upon arriving on campus can...  More

Unique Dining Experience at Hendrix College

The opening line of the website for Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas, states: "Welcome to a place that celebrates uniqueness." One of...  More

Exploring Outdoor Fitness at Vanguard University and Rice University

The advantages of exercise are far reaching and important. Everything from healthier skin to brain health, from stress reduction to...  More

Summer Camps for Profit and Exposure

Finding activities for students during the summer has always been a priority for parents, especially when both parents work or when the...  More

Fire Safety Assurance

When parents of university students get ready to send their children away to school, there are multiple things to worry about. Not the...  More

Making a Splash at Pensacola Christian College

Everyone has heard the old adage that says, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” and that goes for Jill too. Pensacola...  More

The Storied History of Vassar’s Thompson Memorial Library

From its inception in 1865, the library at Vassar has been an open shelf library. They encourage the students to make use of all the...  More