Shine a Little Light on Athletic Performance

Recruiting top athletes is serious business for universities, and having high-quality facilities is one of the best ways a school can gain...  More

Fitness Centers Re-open, on Some Campuses

Fitness and recreation centers are a vital part of private college and university campuses. These sites are typically bustling with...  More

Protecting and Maintaining Gym Floors

Private university administrators may not realize this, but replacing their gym floor can cost upwards of $100,000. As important as the...  More

Aquatics-Based Fun and Fitness at Rollins College & Duke University

Fox Day at Rollins College (Winter Park, Florida) is an annual tradition dating back to 1956. For a single day each spring, on a day deemed...  More

Versatile Fitness

My older brother warned me about the “Freshman 15,” and I should have listened. But I was young and eager to be on my own, and I lacked...  More

Optimizing Pool Water Treatment

During the Olympic Summer Games, I gleefully watch any event of any sport—archery, table tennis, modern pentathlon, judo, basketball,...  More

Nurturing Student-Athletes with Exceptional Facilities

American cinema of the 1980s produced its share of unlikely heroes-Mikey Walsh and his team of misfits in The Goonies; a trio of...  More

Downtime in Sports Facilities: An Opportunity to Improve Safety

Unexpectedly empty gyms and sports fields have far-reaching impacts on the sports and education industries, but many facilities are...  More

Enhance Campus Experience with Stellar Aquatics Facilities

Cinema has produced many memorable swimming pool scenes, those ranging from irreverent (Old School, with Will Ferrell’s...  More

Green Time: Exploring the Benefits of Outdoor Fitness

The average American spends almost 90% of their day inside according to a National Human Activity Pattern Survey by Neil E. Klepeis et al....  More