Designing Classrooms for Neurodiverse Learners

“Neurodiversity,” the term coined by Australian sociologist Judy Singer in 1999, encapsulates the idea that all humans learn...  More

The Impact of Furniture on Both the Utility and Aesthetic Appeal of University Common Spaces

Think about how students begin their journey on a college campus. Many start with a tour before applying, some may wait for an admitted...  More

Active Learning Needs Active Solutions

If you picture a classroom or lecture hall, chances are the image you conjure will include rows of fixed chairs or desks facing the front...  More

Home Away From Home

Every fall freshmen across the country pack up childhood bedrooms and move into college dorms. Many new students have never lived away from...  More

Custom Furniture for Libraries & Media Centers: Benefits, Costs, Process, and Scheduling

Designing for the way we work, the rhythms of our daily routines, and the needs and comfort of our guests creates spaces that are...  More

Strenghten the Body to Awaken the Mind: A Brief Guide to Dynamic Sitting

Evolution designed us to walk and run, to chase prey across the plains, to stalk in the forest, to crouch around a campfire—but not to...  More

Innovative & Collaborative Learning Environments

Long gone are the days of small wooden desks designed for right-handed students, all facing ahead to the instructor who is lecturing on...  More

Teaching and Mentoring Two Generations

Generational theorists suggest that we currently have two generations in todays classrooms; the Millennial Generation and Generation Z....  More

Forman Active Learning Classroom at UPenn

When the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Sciences set out to renovate its library stacks, the project involved...  More

Interactive, Collaborative Learning at Hampton University’s Harvey Library

The newly renovated library facility at Hampton University (HU) awaits students for the 2016-2017 academic year. In collaboration with a...  More