Nova Southeastern University’s Cell Therapy Institute

Recently, Nova Southeastern University announced their new Cell Therapy Institute, an international biomedical research collaboration with...  More

Living Laboratories: Yale’s Innovative Carbon Charge Program

Yale University has launched a first-of-its-kind pilot program to put a price tag on the use of carbon - with some of the most prominent...  More

Lab Utilities Sustainability: Cost Savings and Resource Efficiency

At its heart, the quest for sustainability on campus is about minimizing waste: waste of water, waste of energy, waste of resources of all...  More

Adapting to New Demands: Modern Lab Design

As the economy continues to improve, there is more and more discussion about capital expenditures at the private college and university...  More

Do It Yourself Lab Compliance Management System: No More Pen and Paper

Does the following sound familiar? You are dealing with safety in a knee jerk fashion, putting out fires as they come, and using pen and...  More