Campus Dining in a Pandemic

As colleges and universities across the country are reopening amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the many challenges they face is the...  More

Expressing an Institution’s Core Values with Exterior Design

About ten years ago, I was exploring the Altstadt (“old town”) of Munich. I spent the afternoon between the Augustiner-Bräu and the...  More

Projection Design: A New Focus for Theatre Departments

A live theatre performance is the culmination of actors rehearsing lines and spacing, costume designers dressing them for the part, scenic...  More

Touchless Technologies

During pre-production of the 2002 neo-noir film Minority Report, director Steven Spielberg invited fifteen experts to think about...  More

The World Has Changed. We Are Changing in Response.

When we started Flaherty Media in 2012, I knew nothing about the business of magazines. My professional life had been devoted to education...  More

Using Communication Technologies to Create Diverse, Inclusive, and Engaging Learning 

Audiences have always been divided on Godot's meaning. In 1957, for instance, the play was staged for a single night at San Quentin State...  More

Virtual Activities and Programming: Student Life Centers Adapt to Social Distancing

Humans have an amazing capacity to adapt, and current technology is a tool being used for just that--adapting to social distancing.   More

Campus Renovations That Are No Longer just Luxuries

In the downtime many campuses are experiencing right now, private colleges and universities have the opportunity to make upgrades...  More

Finding a Sense of Belonging in Campus Fitness & Rec Centers

At the age of eighteen and as a college freshman, I moved to another state. I settled into an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar dormitory,...  More

Protecting Our Campuses in a Post-Pandemic World

Here's what we know, but perhaps as valuable, also what we feel: The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has changed the world. It is a...  More