Emergency Communication Platforms: The Latest in Integration Capabilities

When there's a threat to your university community, one of your top priorities is to notify the authorities and communicate to students and...  More

Samford Begins Vast Program of Infrastructure Improvement

It has been six decades since Samford University relocated to its Homewood site from East Lake. While the campus continues to be noted for...  More

Exploring Race Relations at University of Valley Forge

At University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville, PA, Dr. Marianne Modica teaches early childhood education, including a powerful and...  More

Cultures Crossing From Stage Left to Stage Right at Notre Dame

The oft-quoted Shakespearean theme of the world as a stage continues to feel relevant and appropriate even in 2017. Theatre is glamour, and...  More

Cost Considerations in the Quest for Quiet

While architects usually concentrate on the visual and acousticians focus on sound, accountants will focus on the money. Thinking about...  More

Protecting Students from Dangerous Threats

Forty years ago, when I was an earnest young college student, I appreciated all the ways I was being treated like an adult; there were...  More

Seeing is Believing: Campus Communication Trends in 2017

Campuses are using digital signage to distribute real-time information, transform education, and enforce safety and security. The same way...  More

Reaching for Carbon Neutrality at Middlebury College

This past December, Middlebury announced that it has reached carbon neutrality--a major sustainability milestone many years in the making....  More

Global Concerns on Climate Change

Recently, Harvard experts gathered to discuss the urgency and complexity of a growing problem.  More

Champlain College Emergent Media Center: A Multi-Program Center of Excellence

The Emergent Media Center (EMC) at Champlain College is an award-winning hotbed of digital innovation specializing in the design and...  More