Piece by Piece: Expanding Your Campus

When the need for space is acute, older campus buildings sometimes offer surprising opportunities to expand. There is hardly a college or...  More

Models of Food Sustainability Practices: Warren Wilson College and Mills College

Sustainability has been a hot topic for many years, due to the growing demand to find eco-friendly alternatives. University budgets,...  More

Point Park University’s Center for Media Innovation: New Wave of Tech-Savvy Journalists

With the official opening of its Center for Media Innovation, Point Park University is prepared to take a leading role in educating a new...  More

Colleges Teach Lessons in Energy Efficiency

Energy independence is a topic that many countries, including the United States, have considered a long-term goal. On a smaller scale, it's...  More

Live Arts Performance Lab: Innovations at Brown University

Brown and RISD have created a laboratory for innovative live arts projects, the Brown/RISD CoLAB. With a think-tank approach and a cohort...  More

Student Assistants at Private Universities May Now Form Unions

On August 23, 2016, in a 3-1 decision overturning 45 years of precedent, the National Labor Relations Board ruled that students working at...  More

Creating Exceptional Learning Environments From the Ground Up

When Syracuse University made the decision to replace the flooring in the school's residence halls, they looked for a product that would...  More

Five Reasons to Use Cooperative Contracts–Two Things You May Be Wrong About

I've always believed that one of the most unique characteristics of higher education is an inherent willingness to collaborate. Higher ed...  More

Dressing Up the Stage

To create a gorgeous space for any venue, set planners should have the freedom to "play" with unique design structures, lighting elements,...  More

Interim Dining Facility Bridges Construction Gap

Managing a foodservice operation is no easy task, and one that gets more and more complex each year. College and university foodservice...  More