Students Can Play Role in Keeping Campus Safe

It most often falls to university employees, faculty, professors and administrators to keep the students at their school or university...  More

Electric UTVs: A Buyer’s Guide for Universities

Universities around North America are using electric utility vehicles in a variety of applications to boost sustainability and cut costs....  More

Adding Surround Sound to Your Auditorium

One of the many uses of auditoria in higher education, in addition to holding lectures and large meetings, is to present cinema. How often...  More

Keeping a Sound Roof Overhead

Roofs are completely underrated. In addition to keeping people, furniture and assets safe, clean and dry, the roof also protects the entire...  More

Opening Doors to the Benefits of Lean Construction

Doors are everywhere, completely out of sight and out of mind until they become unintentional barriers to passage. While the idea of a...  More

One Campus, One Card

In a world of simplified technology, people are becoming predisposed to carrying less in their pockets, purses or bags. And this is no...  More

Emergency Mass Notification Systems

Emergency warning systems provide rapid notification to those at risk from hazards and enable them to take protective actions. U.S....  More

Cornish Commons: A Housing and Student Life Center

As Cornish College of the Arts realized a growing need for administration space and felt the full weight of losing their student housing...  More

Campus Carry Policies in Private Colleges and Universities

As active-shooter situations have spread to college and university campuses over the last decade, administrators in higher education have...  More

Outfitting Your Auditorium With Multi-Purpose & Flexible Staging

Today, universities and colleges across the country are finding it difficult to meet the demands placed on them to provide the best...  More