
Illuminating Energy Incentives & Cost Savings for Educational Facilities

The upkeep of colleges and universities can prove to be extremely costly due primarily to the...  More

Cost Considerations in the Quest for Quiet

While architects usually concentrate on the visual and acousticians focus on sound, accountants...  More

Saline Sanitization: The Safer Alternative to Chlorine

In August of 2016, an unspecified amount of chlorine gas escaped from a railcar at a plant near...  More


Seeing is Believing: Campus Communication Trends in 2017

Campuses are using digital signage to distribute real-time information, transform education, and...  More

Protecting Students from Dangerous Threats

Forty years ago, when I was an earnest young college student, I appreciated all the ways I was...  More

Action Plans for Cleaning

Many private universities teach their students about the importance of having an action plan in...  More
Professor Spotlight

Spalding University: Using Hydroplaning to Reach At-Risk Youth

Dr. H.A. Hasan, an Associate Professor at Spalding University, earned his Ph.D. in Special...  More