
O and M Savings from Lab Utilities

Campus laboratories are equipment intensive, water intensive and energy intensive. It follows,...  More

Points to Keep in Mind For a Lighting Upgrade

I am frequently asked to visit campuses around the country in search of potential opportunities or...  More

LEDs and Energy Management Systems Take Northwestern Energy Savings to New Level

Scott Hayworth is not afraid of the dark. However, as chief electric engineer for Northwestern...  More


Gym Must-Haves for Advanced or Athletic Training

When outfitting your facility for advanced trainees or athletic training, you want to be sure you...  More

Presentation Technologies 101

Until recently, the cost of large flat-panels for classroom use was prohibitive, making projectors...  More
Professor Spotlight

The Dandelion Project at Liberty University

Dr. Hector Medina is as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Liberty University in...  More