
Fitness Centers Re-open, on Some Campuses

Fitness and recreation centers are a vital part of private college and university campuses. These...  More

Protecting and Maintaining Gym Floors

Private university administrators may not realize this, but replacing their gym floor can cost...  More

Letting the Light Shine: A Revamp of The George Peabody Library Skylight

There’s no denying when you step into The George Peabody Library that you’re in awe. The...  More

Come Together, Right Now: Advance Lighting for a Forward-thinking Campus

Paul McCartney and John Lennon had other thoughts in mind when they wrote that now famous line...  More


Penn Labs Get Creative to Stay productive, Connected

In the face of a pandemic that has shuttered most physical laboratories across campus, researchers...  More
Professor Spotlight

Anti-racism in Architecture at Tuskegee University

Dr. Carla Jackson Bell, Dean of the Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture and Construction...  More