
Lighting Upgrades for Efficiency, Safety, and Well-Being

We look upon American educational establishments with a great sense of pride, knowing many of its...  More

Five Reasons to Use Cooperative Contracts–Two Things You May Be Wrong About

I've always believed that one of the most unique characteristics of higher education is an inherent...  More

Creating Exceptional Learning Environments From the Ground Up

When Syracuse University made the decision to replace the flooring in the school's residence halls,...  More


Student Assistants at Private Universities May Now Form Unions

On August 23, 2016, in a 3-1 decision overturning 45 years of precedent, the National Labor...  More

Live Arts Performance Lab: Innovations at Brown University

Brown and RISD have created a laboratory for innovative live arts projects, the Brown/RISD CoLAB....  More

A Tidal Wave of Opportunity: Liberty University Natatorium

The year was 1971. A visionary Pastor named Jerry Falwell stood on snow-covered ground and...  More
Professor Spotlight

Stories Upon Stories: Music History at Luther College

A former Fulbright scholar and professional oboist, Dr. Jim Griesheimer of Luther College is...  More