Cynthia Mwenja, PhD, teaches Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Montevallo and is a staff writer for PUPN Magazine.

Tying the Past to the Future at Ursinus College

Kara McShane, Assistant Professor of English and Co-Coordinator of Digital Studies at Ursinus College, has served as both leader and...  More

Anti-racism in Architecture at Tuskegee University

Dr. Carla Jackson Bell, Dean of the Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture and Construction Science (TSACS) and Professor of Architecture...  More

Building Liberal Arts Enthusiasm for Computer Science

Amber Wagner has established a vibrant and growing applied computer science program in her three years as assistant professor at...  More

Promoting Expansive Undergraduate Research Opportunities at Tougaloo College

Dr. Jinghe Mao, Dean of the Natural Science Division and Professor of Biology at Tougaloo College, has a twenty-year track record of...  More

Pedagogy that Transforms across the Campus at Sewanee

Dr. Stephanie L. Batkie, Associate Teaching Professor of English, Director of Writing across the Curriculum, and Director of Writing Center...  More

A Gift for Connecting People through Art and Culture

Romita Ray, Associate Professor of Art History at Syracuse University, employs both arts and culture to forge connections between people...  More

International Relations at Gannon University

Anjali Sahay, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Gannon University, is an energetic researcher and...  More

Swarthmore College: The Transformative Potential of Higher Education

James Padilioni, Professor of Religion at Swarthmore College, has a wide array of interests: ritual cultures and plantation lifeworlds,...  More

Community-Engaged Work at Spelman College

Dr. Michelle Bachelor Robinson, Director of the Comprehensive Writing Program and Assistant Professor of English at Spelman College,...  More

Dance Education Can Enliven Dance Departments

In the 80s, I attended a small, private liberal arts college in Alabama, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance. The curriculum was...  More