David Vinson, PUPN staff writer, has a PhD in English with specializations in transatlantic literature and cultural studies. He is a committed scholar, teacher, husband, and dad. If you ever meet David, avoid the subject of soccer. His fandom borders on the truly obnoxious.

The Pros and Cons of Personalized Electronic Devices in the Classroom

Traditional-age college students are now iGen, the post-1995 generation who were the first to spend their entire adolescence with...  More

Innovative Technologies for Hybrid Learning

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, administrators and faculty have been scrambling to solve the considerable challenges posed by the...  More

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Maintenance Technologies in High-Traffic Campus Spaces

University or college campuses simply cannot function without regular maintenance, and the endeavor of maintaining an entire campus,...  More

Developing the Skills of Undergraduates with World-Class Research Labs and Facilities

The first modern seatbelt was created at Cornell University; some of the earliest applications of solar power were pioneered at MIT; and...  More

Maximizing Learning Experiences with Presentation Technologies

For those of us who witnessed first-hand the explosion of the Internet from a fringe technology to a global phenomenon, it was nearly...  More

The Essential Role of Clear Signage during the Pandemic

As we navigate public spaces, it is unlikely we think much about the processes of either creating or interpreting the signs we encounter...  More

Clean Air and the Implementation of New Safety Policies at Campus-Based Residence Halls

Because Covid-19 is an airborne contagion, we have been compelled to think more carefully than ever about the air we breathe and how best...  More

Tapping into Students’ Desires with Tech-Based Exercise Equipment

College students face an uphill battle when it comes to staying physically fit, not least of all because with newfound independence comes...  More

COVID-19 & the Safe Re-Opening of Fitness & Rec Centers

Social and behavioral scientists use the phrase “mass trauma” to describe a potentially life-threatening event that affects not only...  More

Maximizing Our Students’ Talents with Campus-Based Innovation Centers

Professor Roy Hinkley of the short-lived but unforgettable sitcom Gilligan’s Island had a delightful knack for maximizing the resources...  More