David Vinson, PUPN staff writer, has a PhD in English with specializations in transatlantic literature and cultural studies. He is a committed scholar, teacher, husband, and dad. If you ever meet David, avoid the subject of soccer. His fandom borders on the truly obnoxious.

Construction Projects and The Negotiation of Aesthetics

“Aesthetic(s)” as a term usually concerns itself with the nature, perception, and judgment of beauty. It is a loaded, complicated term,...  More

Accelerating the Transition to a Clean Energy Future with Energy Efficiency

Today, solar panels, electric cars, energy storage, among so many other clean technologies, are generating positive attention as we...  More

Responding to the Pandemic in Administrative Spaces

It has been a long and arduous year for so many of us, not least of all because the COVID-19 pandemic has infiltrated our daily lives. So...  More

Transforming Interior Spaces with Carpet and Flooring

British painter Francis Bacon’s (1909-1992) legacy consists of disfigured and abstract human subjects often enclosed in a cage-like...  More

Engaging On-Campus Communities with Landscape Design

A private college or university may offer an amazing education, a desirable location, and buildings that are functional and beautiful—but...  More

Making the Most of Finite Spaces with Campus Service Vehicles

As an undergraduate, I worked in the merchandising team of a major electronics chain. Our job was to keep a high-volume store functional...  More

Choosing the Right Path with Outdoor Recreation

A path is a way of making sense of the world. One can cross a landscape in infinite ways—but, of course, some paths are better than...  More

Expressing an Institution’s Core Values with Exterior Design

About ten years ago, I was exploring the Altstadt (“old town”) of Munich. I spent the afternoon between the Augustiner-Bräu and the...  More

The Rise of Distance Learning and the Online PhD: Is There Cause for Concern?

At present, there exists two correlating trends within higher education, each of which offer a glimpse into its future: The first is that...  More

Aquatics-Based Fun and Fitness at Rollins College & Duke University

Fox Day at Rollins College (Winter Park, Florida) is an annual tradition dating back to 1956. For a single day each spring, on a day deemed...  More