David Vinson, PUPN staff writer, has a PhD in English with specializations in transatlantic literature and cultural studies. He is a committed scholar, teacher, husband, and dad. If you ever meet David, avoid the subject of soccer. His fandom borders on the truly obnoxious.

Versatile Fitness

My older brother warned me about the “Freshman 15,” and I should have listened. But I was young and eager to be on my own, and I lacked...  More

Optimizing Pool Water Treatment

During the Olympic Summer Games, I gleefully watch any event of any sport—archery, table tennis, modern pentathlon, judo, basketball,...  More

Keeping Higher Ed Communities Healthy with Contact Tracing

As we continue to adjust to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 outbreak, one thing is for certain—there will be no immediate...  More

Touchless Technologies

During pre-production of the 2002 neo-noir film Minority Report, director Steven Spielberg invited fifteen experts to think about...  More

A Generosity of Community: Learning with Colorado College’s Dr. Jared Richman

I am delighted to celebrate the contributions made to higher education by Dr. Jared Richman, Associate Professor of English at Colorado...  More

Using Communication Technologies to Create Diverse, Inclusive, and Engaging Learning 

Audiences have always been divided on Godot's meaning. In 1957, for instance, the play was staged for a single night at San Quentin State...  More

Rethinking Campus-Based Library Spaces with Innovative Designs & Furnishings

My office at home doubles as a personal library. It is my favorite space in the home, a sanctuary of solitude and learning. My books are...  More

Nurturing Student-Athletes with Exceptional Facilities

American cinema of the 1980s produced its share of unlikely heroes-Mikey Walsh and his team of misfits in The Goonies; a trio of...  More

Finding a Sense of Belonging in Campus Fitness & Rec Centers

At the age of eighteen and as a college freshman, I moved to another state. I settled into an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar dormitory,...  More

Protecting Our Campuses in a Post-Pandemic World

Here's what we know, but perhaps as valuable, also what we feel: The outbreak of the novel coronavirus has changed the world. It is a...  More