Brown’s New VR Display: Aiding Scientific & Artistic Exploration

Computer scientist David Laidlaw set out to create the ultimate virtual reality display. The result--the YURT--is a fully immersive VR...  More

Duquesne University: Fueling Collaboration with FlexTech Classrooms

Today, many colleges and universities are evolving from a teacher-centered learning model to student-centered learning model, where many...  More

Interactive Curricula Experience at Thomas Jefferson University

Getting and keeping students' attention has always been a big challenge, but today, more than ever, they are absorbed in their mobile...  More

The Impact of Key Control on Campus Safety & Security

Safety and security on campus environments has become a significant concern for education officials. Today's campus administrators are...  More

Through the Future of the Music Industry Through Technology

When Belmont decided to restore Columbia Studio A, the school not only wanted to keep history alive through the preservation of the room,...  More

Stacks, Surveys, and Socialization: Creating Collaborative Spaces in Libraries

Working in an industry for over 30 years allows you an insight into countless trends as they come and go, from the fall of the cubicle to...  More

Professors Guide Development of Software Solution to Class Skipping

Numerous academic studies have demonstrated that class attendance is the single best predictor of grades in a college course, even ahead of...  More

Find the Best Digital Signage Solution for Your Campus

It's no longer a question of if your campus needs to go digital. It's mandatory to stay competitive and relevant in the business and...  More