Energy Strategies: Bringing a Master Plan to Life

A growing number of colleges and universities across the country are incorporating renewable energy, energy efficiency, and environmental...  More

Embracing Change at DePauw University

Humberto Barreto, Professor of Economics and Management at DePauw University has already established a long, productive, and admirable...  More

Security Layers in Higher Education

Crime on campus continues to be a major concern for colleges and universities. According to a report by the National Center for Education...  More

Multidisciplinary Building for Problem-Based Science

Research and teaching approaches to science are becoming increasingly problem focused rather than discipline focused. This shift means that...  More

Working with Architectural Firms to Maximize the Campus Experience

Following the destruction of the Commons Chamber during WWII, British political leaders debated the question of rebuilding. At the heart of...  More

Compost Topdressing: One Step toward Campus Sustainability

Topdressing—the application of any product on the top of any surface, such as sand on a street, salt on a parking lot, fertilizer on a...  More

A Sense of Place

Anya Sheldon (’20) speaks of the Wellesley landscape as if it is a person. “I thought Alumnae Valley was really interesting because of...  More

Making the Financial Case for Saving Water

As private schools and universities look for ways to reduce costs and become more fiscally responsible, one area that seems to get...  More

High Sustainability. Low Cost. Better Air.

Universities can have better environmental standards with higher levels of sustainability and with lower costs of operation. New strategies...  More

Active Learning Needs Active Solutions

When asked to picture a classroom or lecture hall, chances are the image most people conjure will include rows of fixed chairs or desks...  More